I didn't have a lot of time last night and I wasn't feeling particularly motivated to make something healthy, so I pulled a classic new vegan mistake. For dinner, I had a bag of kettle cooked potato chips. Not
some chips. A
bag of chips. Now my stomach hurts, I didn't sleep well and I feel like fear and pain are fighting inside me. I kind of hope fear wins. It hurts less.
I'm beginning to think that when you eat what is basically a very restrictive diet, there is almost no tolerance at all for shenanigans. Here's what I mean. If you eat, over the course of a week, half a buffalo, three chickens, part of a cow, half a dozen tacos, some mozzarella sticks, pepperoni pizza, mix in some salads, etc., you can eat a bag of potato chips for dinner on Sunday and you'll be ok... because you're carrying an entire culinary ecosystem inside you at any given moment. If you eat mostly fruits and veggies, that stuff moves out of town pretty quick. You don't have the buffer in place to take a hit like 1000 calories of potato chips. You will feel it and it will hurt.
Let this be a lesson. Also, I put back on almost two pounds. There is probably a two pound brick of semi-digested potato chips inside me right now.
On a lighter note, I do tend to learn from my mistakes, so I took all the over high carb, greasy snacks in the house and pitched them this morning. It felt good. I would recommend you save yourself from having to learn this lesson the hard way and do the same thing.
Current Weight: 228.4
Current Mood: grumble grumble