Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 17 - Preperation is Key

I went to an all day party/event today and didn't adequately prepare for it.  I knew that food was going to be provided and I thought to myself, "you'll just eat the cut up veggies and maybe go get a granola bar or something."

Didn't happen.

All that was available was pizza and cake.

Literally nothing else.

So by the time I got home I was starving.  I had made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich early this morning and forgotten about it.  I tore into that thing when I got home.

On the upside, it was a really fun event.  I have a friend who runs a gaming store and I'll be helping him plan and execute some all day type events.  We'll even be throwing a midnight release rave night next month.  I just know now that for these all day type events, I'll need to plan ahead and bring food to eat.

It might be worthwhile looking into keeping some granola bars or something in my car.  That obviously won't work with the summer heat, but come fall I don't see why it should be an issue.

Also, I'm almost below 220.  This is historically the weight limit below which I don't store nearly as much.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 16 - Restaurants :(

I went out to an Italian restaurant for dinner. There were two things on the menu I could eat. Fried mushrooms and applesauce. The fried mushrooms were burnt and the applesauce was, well, applesauce. Being vegan requires better planning. I should never have gone there.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 15 - Still Going Strong

Including July 31st, today is the halfway point. I'm certain the second half is going to be easier. I've tried new things and lost over 12 lbs so far. All in all, this has been a very positive experiment. I'll post more tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 14 - Tofurkey Apocalypse

These things are effing terrible.  They don't taste anything like real brats.  Do not, repeat, do not purchase these weird, fake meat tofurkey beer brats.  Just make some Indian food, or a nice stir fry.  Make something that is intended to be made with veggies.

Again, these things taste awful.  I couldn't even get a whole one down.  I ate maybe a little more than 50%.

Day 14 - Weight Update

Oh yeah, I'm down to 222.6 lbs. Down 11.6 lbs overall so far.

Day 14 - In Which We Successfully Avoid Unlucky 13

So, I'm totally superstitious enough that I didn't post anything on day 13. I know this is crazy, but I have a couple of weird, almost OCD like superstitions.

1. I will not start anything on the 13th of the month. I don't know why. I guess growing up being told that the 13th is unlucky just worms it's way into your brain.
2. I don't pick up face down pennies. If I'm at a store, am exactly 0.01 USD short for a purchase and see a penny facedown on the floor, I'm not making that purchase. I have this weird theory on pennies and luck. If you drop a penny accidentally and it lands face down, you're divesting yourself of bad luck. If you drop a penny accidentally and it lands face up, you're divesting yourself of good luck. When someone else picks up the penny, they get your good or bad luck as the case maybe. This keeps balance in the universe so far as luck is concerned. Now, I know this is crazy. I know this isn't the way things really work. But at the same time, I don't pick up face down pennies. One an interesting side note, if you accidentally drop a penny and it lands face down, you CAN immediately pick it up as your luck would stay in balance. You know, in case you were wondering how much I've though about this.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 12 - Tired, but Can't Sleep

I've been finding it harder to get a good night's sleep lately.  I stay up to late and then I toss and turn and have pretty vivid dreams.  The problem is that I'm dreaming about eating something and then I freak out because I know I need to weigh myself in the morning...  and clearly if I'm eating in my dreams, I'll weigh more in the morning.  I realize this is crazy, but there you have it.

I'm also not entirely certain I want to go to sleep.

Day 12 - Project Time

I'm totally going to try and make these.

Day 12 - Almond Milk

Let it be known...


Buy this stuff if you need milk on your cereal.

Or better yet, eat something that doesn't require milk. I've found forcing a vegan diet to conform to a non-vegan diet selection results in some foods that are pretty terrible. Fake bacon is gross. Fake meat is gross. Fake cheese is gross. Delicious vegan/vegetarian options that aren't pretending to me non-vegan are delicious. A good amount of Indian cuisine is fair game. Same with Thai, Japanese and Korean. There are a fair number of African dishes as well, depending on the country. Every cuisine on the planet has at least some options that are amazing... except maybe Southern cooking in the US. I think they put butter and bacon grease into everything.

Current Mood: Killcrushing It
Current Weight: 223.2 lbs (11 down)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 11 - 10 lbs

It's hard to believe, but I've dropped a little over 10 lbs in just 12 days (since I really started tracking on Day Zero).  I feel generally healthier and it's really nice to get comments about how I look like I've lost weight.  It's nice to receive encouragement when you're doing something tough.

It's actually getting much easier.  I bought Sabra "Supremely Spicy Hummus".  I'm pretty psyched.  I think one of my coping mechanisms for not being able to eat meat or dairy is to make everything spicier.  It's working out pretty well.

On a totally unrelated note, I just found out that my newish car has free Sirius Satellite Radio until October 7th.  I went through the setup steps earlier today and it's pretty awesome.  I felt like this: