Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 12 - Tired, but Can't Sleep

I've been finding it harder to get a good night's sleep lately.  I stay up to late and then I toss and turn and have pretty vivid dreams.  The problem is that I'm dreaming about eating something and then I freak out because I know I need to weigh myself in the morning...  and clearly if I'm eating in my dreams, I'll weigh more in the morning.  I realize this is crazy, but there you have it.

I'm also not entirely certain I want to go to sleep.

1 comment:

Porkinator 9000 said...

That's not that crazy. Sometimes in your dreams you are abducted by a little known alien race whose economy is centered on the food industry. Those aliens are using abductions to test their products on Earthlings before making first contact. The whole idea is to bring a new line of palatable alien food stuffs to Earth in one fell swoop. It's sort of brilliant.

Some people go so far as to say the aliens are using Earth as a test market like American companies do to some towns in the mid-west. That Earth is really a pawn in a galactic scale food war. Conspiracy theorist nut jobs, if you ask me.