Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 12 - Almond Milk

Let it be known...


Buy this stuff if you need milk on your cereal.

Or better yet, eat something that doesn't require milk. I've found forcing a vegan diet to conform to a non-vegan diet selection results in some foods that are pretty terrible. Fake bacon is gross. Fake meat is gross. Fake cheese is gross. Delicious vegan/vegetarian options that aren't pretending to me non-vegan are delicious. A good amount of Indian cuisine is fair game. Same with Thai, Japanese and Korean. There are a fair number of African dishes as well, depending on the country. Every cuisine on the planet has at least some options that are amazing... except maybe Southern cooking in the US. I think they put butter and bacon grease into everything.

Current Mood: Killcrushing It
Current Weight: 223.2 lbs (11 down)

1 comment:

RoastDuck said...

Africa is my favorite country.